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8th May 2018, 06:38 PM #1
Serpdigger Setup Tutorials
Quick Start
Step # 1 : Set Up your TARGET Search Engine
LOG-IN To any Gmail / Google account
1. On the Google Custom Search home page, click New search engine.
2. In the Sites to search section, add the target site you want to
include in your search engine
For Linkedin add :
For Instagram add :
For Twitter add :
For Pinterest add :
For Facebook (new) add :
For Any other site : the-web-site-root-domain
* The name of your search engine will be automatically generated
based on the URLs you select. You can change this name at any time.
An Important article which will help you accurate your search engine!:
3. Click Create.
4. Click Public Url Button
4. Copy Your new CSE url into Serp Digger
4. Log - Out from Google ( you do not need to be Log-In to
your Google Account to work with Serp Digger ! )
Step # 2 : Set Up your other parameters
1. Copy a big list of US locations ( States / big Cities ) , and then
paste them directly into Serp Digger Location Box
Use one element per line!
Here is a Sample List you can use Or creating your own List ..
Click Here to Access the Sample List
2. Copy a list of major email patterns
You can get a good start by trying to use the following:
Use one element per line!
3. Enter one or more Search phraseד in the Site Footprint
box and then click on Start.
Use one element ( Search phrase ) per line!
e.g. project manager
4. Once clicking the download button, file results will be downloaded
Waits for the processes to be stopped before clicking
the download button!
How to Operate Serp Digger
NEW !!! How to extract email address
from Facebooks WITH SERPDIGGER
Instead using personal names list you can use
Some sample lists to use :
Personal Names List: DOWNLOADAmerican City Names List: DOWNLOAD
Your List: :-)
EasyMoney Reviewed by EasyMoney on . Serpdigger Setup Tutorials Quick Start Step # 1 : Set Up your TARGET Search Engine LOG-IN To any Gmail / Google account 1. On the Google Custom Search home page, click New search engine. 2. In the Sites to search section, add the target site you want to include in your search engine For Linkedin add Rating: 5
Notice to Consumers

Please be aware that every offer has limits beyond what is displayed in the thread. You should visit the site advertising and read any Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Policy they have in place. If you can't find answers on how they measure what you're purchasing, ask.If the offer or request doesn't regard some type of hosting, you still need to research beyond whats printed in the ad.
» Research any provider to know what limits are in place, especially with any offer concerning disk space and/or bandwidth. These are generally defined in the TOS or AUP.
» Read provider reviews. If you find no reviews, create a thread and ask for others' first-hand experience with the provider.
» If you're unsure on the exact details of an offer - ask. Simply respond to this thread and ask the provider for clarification.
» Read provider reviews. If you find no reviews, create a thread and ask for others' first-hand experience with the provider.
» If you're unsure on the exact details of an offer - ask. Simply respond to this thread and ask the provider for clarification.
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