Currency settings

Your currency settings can be adjusted to your needs in AliDropship => Settings => General.

Default currency
AliDropship Plugin uses US Dollars as a primary currency set by default. You can change it if you plan to work with another currency. In this case all the product prices in US Dollars will be automatically converted into the selected currency according to Google Finance converter. Up-to-date exchange rates can be found next to Currency settings.

Additional currencies
With AliDropship plugin, it is possible to add more currency options so that your customers can choose necessary currency from the drop-down menu in your store.

Currency location
Plugin automatically shows the currency based on customer’s geographical location detected by his IP address.
Default database currency
Database currency is used by the software as your default currency for payment gateways. You should not change this currency once it has been set up as this might negatively affect the way your payment gateway works.

EasyMoney Reviewed by EasyMoney on . [Guide] Dropshipping Settings And Articles [Alidropship] Pricing markup formula All products imported in your store from AliExpress appear with their original prices. To get profit from your business, you need to determine pricing rules and set markups/margins. AliDropship plugin features a profound system for pricing markup – the amount added to the cost of goods to cover overhead and profit. To add a new pricing markup rule, click Add New Rating: 5