SEO options

In case you do not use any third-party WP SEO plugins on your site, we recommend using SEO tools available with AliDropship plugin. To apply SEO settings, go to AliDropship => Settings => SEO.

sitemap.xml and robots.txt
Activate this option to generate sitemap.xml and robots.txt files. Sitemap is important because it tells the search engines about the content that you have on your site and how often it’s updated. It makes it easier for Google to index your site and show it on search results. A robots.txt is a file at the root of your site that indicates those parts of your site you don’t want accessed by search engine crawlers.
SEO meta data fields
If this option is enabled, SEO meta data fields will be added to every product on your site. You can enter data in these fields to make your product pages look more SEO friendly.

SEO meta data generator
Turn on this option to generate SEO meta data for your product pages automatically.
Home page SEO meta data settings
Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions are hidden text elements on your page that are used to describe your site on search engines. These elements are meant to give a small taste of what your site is about for people who have come across your page by way of a search engines.

Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions are hidden text elements on your page that are used to describe your site on search engines. These elements are meant to give a small taste of what your site is about for people who have come across your page by way of a search engines.

EasyMoney Reviewed by EasyMoney on . [Guide] Dropshipping Settings And Articles [Alidropship] Pricing markup formula All products imported in your store from AliExpress appear with their original prices. To get profit from your business, you need to determine pricing rules and set markups/margins. AliDropship plugin features a profound system for pricing markup – the amount added to the cost of goods to cover overhead and profit. To add a new pricing markup rule, click Add New Rating: 5