Facebook authorization

With Facebook Login option, you can provide your customers with a secure, fast and convenient way to log into your website without them having to create a password. To get started, visit https://developers.facebook.com/
Create or enter your account on Facebook for developers and click Add a new app:

In the Products section add a new product and select Facebook Login. Click Set Up.

Go to Settings in the left sidebar and add your website URL: yoursitename.com/userlogin/?social-login=facebook in the Valid OAuth redirect URIs field and click Save changes (you may leave all other fields blank).

Go to your Settings => Basic. Copy your App ID and App Secret.

Paste them in your WP admin area: AliDropship => Settings => Accounts.

The last step is activation of your App on Facebook. Go to App Review and make your website public. Click Confirm to finish.

EasyMoney Reviewed by EasyMoney on . [Guide] Dropshipping Settings And Articles [Alidropship] Pricing markup formula https://youtu.be/rYvvYLjUjYY All products imported in your store from AliExpress appear with their original prices. To get profit from your business, you need to determine pricing rules and set markups/margins. AliDropship plugin features a profound system for pricing markup – the amount added to the cost of goods to cover overhead and profit. https://alidropship.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Pricing_.jpg To add a new pricing markup rule, click Add New Rating: 5