Google + authorization

With Google Sign-In, you can enable your customers to log into your website by signing in with their Google account. This secure, fast and simple experience leads to higher conversion. To get started, visit Google API Library and select Social APIs => Google+ API.

Create a new project.

Add your Project name and hit Create.

Continue by clicking Enable.

Then you need to create credentials.

Add credentials to your project.

  • Which API are you using? – Google+API
  • Where will you be calling the API from? – Web server (e.g. node, js, Tomcat)
  • What data will you be accessing? – User data

Once all the fields are filled, click the What credentials do I need? button to continue.

Enter your Authorised redirect URLs that can be found in your WP admin area.

Go to AliDropship => Settings => Accounts => Google+ authorization settings and copy Authorised redirect URIs link. Paste it in your Google settings (see the screenshot above).

Set up the consent screen by providing your email address and adding product name which will be shown to users. Click Continue.

Download your credentials (Client ID). Click Done.

To check your credentials, click on your Name. You may use the Edit button to make changes.

Copy your Client ID, Client Secret and Name.

Add your credentials in AliDropship => Settings => Accounts => Google+ authorization settings. Save changes.

EasyMoney Reviewed by EasyMoney on . [Guide] Dropshipping Settings And Articles [Alidropship] Pricing markup formula All products imported in your store from AliExpress appear with their original prices. To get profit from your business, you need to determine pricing rules and set markups/margins. AliDropship plugin features a profound system for pricing markup – the amount added to the cost of goods to cover overhead and profit. To add a new pricing markup rule, click Add New Rating: 5