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23rd Sep 2018, 09:05 AM #1
Guides and Methods for Best Email Marketing
Email Traffic Academy
Email Millionaires System
How to harness the power of email traffic to generate leads, make sales and build a passionate responsive tribe.
You will discover:
How to use high-volume email marketing, even if you don’t have your own list.
Which niches and vertical markets work best for email marketing.
Why visitors from email marketing are more responsive than search, PPC, PPV, or any other traffic source.
Real-life results from Email Traffic Campaigns. How to find totally untapped lists, regardless of your niche.
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Email Marketing Mastery
First ever, 100% complete, step by step email system that will have you writing winning and profitable emails in no time.
The whole idea behind the Email Millionaires system is to reveal the true secret and the real technique behind those blockbuster emails that generate revenues in the millions of dollars.
Writing profitable emails simply requires following a blueprint. The process is systematic and just requires you to do what the blueprint says. And each step is easily executed once you know the secrets.
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Agora 6 Figures 1 Email
The Email Marketing Mastery course is about maximizing your ROI (return-on-investment) from your email marketing campaign so you have killer click-through and open-rates for your emails. Generate leads for your website through lead magnets. Structure your emails in a way that get opened and clicked and convert to sales. Optimize your email by choosing the best subject lines for your industry.
Understand email analytics so you know how to optimize your emails for future campaigns.
How to use my favorite (but free) marketing tool to create email marketing campaigns on the fly.
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Passive Email Riches
How to clear 6 figures per year writing one email per day.
There is no fluff in this video. It’s pure content.
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Small List Email Maestro
Learn how you can achieve 50% open rates & 30% click rates from all your emails.
You will learn:
How to create email subject lines that instantly attract your subscribers’ attention.
How to prevent your emails from triggering spam filters.
10 secret tactics that you can use immediately to boost your email open rates.
How to write and extremely effective call to action.
The magic formula for writing captivating headlines.
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Email Wealth Blueprint
Powerful 5 step method reveals how this tiny list of only 182 subscribers provided $700 in commissions in only two days.
This method works, even if you’re starting out with a new list.
You don’t have to be experienced with email marketing. I am going to walk you through the five steps I personally use to obtain mindblowing results, even from a small list.
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ABC eMail Marketing
Learn how I make $137+ per day working 2 hours or less.
Email Wealth Blueprint is a full A-to-Z video course detailing every detail you need to start your own email marketing based business that you can run from anywhere in just 2 hours a day.
How to get your first subscriber your very first week of implementing this system.
How to get started on shoestring budget.
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Agora Email Marketing
I will personally take you by the hand and show you how easy it is to build an eMail list of over 10,000+ subscribers in 3-6 Months for free in any niche.
Start dominating email marketing with the exact same method that the top 5% of internet marketers use.
Build your email list into the 10,000’s range for free with our unique traffic methods
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The Secret To Writing Profitable Emails
World-class email specialist reveals how even raw & wriggling newbies can bang out money-making emails on demand and in just minutes per day.
You will learn:
The Las Vegas stripper secret for extracting the maximum amount of sales out of customers using nothing but email.
How to write emails that make sales even if you don’t mention a single benefit.
The “haunted” subject line technique that immediately stands out in overcrowded inboxes.
7 newbie-proof ways to write profitable emails in just 15-minutes or less.
The never-talked-about reason why people ignore emails with lots of content and value.
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Email Launch Mastery
Imagine turning your email list into raving fans who spend.
What if you could write addictive emails anytime you like.
Picture being able to profit without being salesy or weird.
How quickly will you start with my ‘done for you‘ templates.
Discover the most profitable way to communicate.
Learn how often you should email. Know the right time to start pitching.
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Email Marketing Kickstart
Discover the secret of creating highly responsive emails for your next product launch.
I structure my emails for maximum conversions by using a simple formula, create trust by placing them in a specific order, and send them out so that people will want to take action, click on my links, and purchase my products.
Everything you need to create a powerful product launch email campaign that converts visitors into buyers.
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Email Marketing Fortune
How to sell more with email marketing.
40 step-by-step guide to making money with email.
1. Core principals of email marketing.
2. Setting yourself up to succeed with email marketing.
3. Identifying your subscriber.
4. How to find offers your subscribers want.
5. How to construct your offers effectively.
6. How to write an effective email that encourages your subscribers to buy.
7. Effective methods of adding value
8. How to scale your success into 6 figure business.
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List Building Legends
How would you enjoy having lists full of customers who’ve been with you for years and bought from you well over 20 times?
This is a complete system that enables you to understand what your subscriber expects, likes, hates, wants, needs, can’t resist, and fears when he/she decides to join your list… regardless of the niche.
It’s a system that is based on deep understanding of sales psychology and human behavior. It gives you an understanding of how they respond to specific psychological triggers. And, it speeds up the sales process, and automates recurring sales.
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List Building Holy Grail
Generate $300/Day on complete autopilot.
List Building tactics and methods from the very mouths of Internet Marketing Legends.
They just know what they’re doing and have proven strategies for building ridiculously, stupidly massive email lists.
You can use their knowledge to build your lists which you can adapt for any business, online or offline.
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List Building Kickstart
How to make money with every single subscriber.
In the list building holy grail, it is all about building a buyers list that actually wants to be on your list. You will learn:
How I craft an affiliate promo email.
How to minimise your email marketing costs.
The proper email sending format.
Finding products to promote even to weird niches.
Simple tricks to increase open rates.
Simple tricks to increase click-through rates.
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List Secrets
Are you looking for a super easy way to build an email list? Then watch over my shoulder as I reveal a total newbie friendly way to do it. I’ll show you my exact system I’ve used to build a list of almost 40,000 subscribers
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101 Red Hot Email Subject Lines
The exact step by step blueprint to go from 0 – $1000 per month in as little as 60 days.
You will learn: Eric’s million dollar closely guarded list secrets.
What is the fastest way to generate cash. If we lost everything,
how would we start from scratch.
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List Profit Legends
Over 100, high converting, fill-in-the-blanks email subject lines you can use to ignite your open rates and sales.
You can skip all the hard work and just get emailing. Whether you’re selling web site services, online courses, sales copy, real estate services, pet services, or hair cuts, these prewritten, fill-in-the-blanks templates are perfect for you.
All of the 101 red-hot email subject lines are evergreen, so you can use them today, tomorrow and for years to come.
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Learn the simple methods Neil has honed over years and now uses to generate multiple millions of dollars online every year. Gain this Knowledge Instantly and get started making huge profits today.
Discover the different types of traffic and how to target only profitable traffic.
The methods for achieving highest conversions to maximize profits.
The simple tools to get you started to creating $1,000’s in profit today. How to achieve all of the above very, very simply and quickly.
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EasyMoney Reviewed by EasyMoney on . Guides and Methods for Best Email Marketing Email Traffic Academy How to harness the power of email traffic to generate leads, make sales and build a passionate responsive tribe. You will discover: How to use high-volume email marketing, even if you don’t have your own list. Which niches and vertical markets work best for email marketing. Rating: 5
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