February 4, 2004: Facebook was launched. Youtube started on February 14, 2005 to become part of Google in 2006. In June 2013, Edward Snowden shared documents with The Guardian and The Washington Post about extensive surveillance of citizens of various states being performed by the US intelligence agencies including PRISM, X-Keyscore and Tempora project data. Meanwhile, Visa and Mastercard started blocking payments for services by several VPN providers. In 2015, the facial recognition algorithm developed by NTechLab won The Megaface Benchmark while the number of surveillance cameras on New York streets exceeded 100,000, according to PwC. In 2016, the European Central bank develops plans to withdraw €500 banknotes; two years earlier, Italy, France and Spain set severe limits on cash payments.
2017... The age of privacy is over. Keep this mind.
Any action you do, any transaction you perform online is being recorded. Your email provider is looking through your emails, mobile applications are sending stats to their developer, the government and multinational corporations are watching each step of yours. They know all about you.
We are a community of passionate IT enthusiasts to whom privacy is not a mere word. We realize that not all people are willing to sacrifice their privacy for the sake of a dubious advantage. That is why we developed a service that will let you safeguard yourself from too close an attention of third parties to your transactions in the cryptocurrencies networks.
Privacy is something you can sell, but you can't buy it back.
Bob Dylan. Poet, musician, singer, actor.
BitMaximum Reviewed by BitMaximum on . BitMaximum.io - Coin Mixer of the new generation (BTC,BCH,LTC,ETH) https://bitmaximum.io/img/downloaded/en/en1.png https://bitmaximum.io/img/downloaded/en/en2.png Innovative stealth system of BitMaximum.io - This is a system of protection of personal data in the Bitcoin environment with a built-in mixing mechanism and the ability to exchange directly from miners and exchanges. - This is not another copy of the sunk into oblivion Bitmixer, analogues of which have stopped in the development and daily expose their customers to danger and closer to Rating: 5