What data is stored on your servers?

We do not collect and keep any logs, personally identifying information or any other data relating to your BitMaximum activity. Once the coins have been transferred to your receiving address, all the related data gets permanently erased both from our DB and your Bitcoin wallet. All data regarding the receiving address will be deleted after a 72-hour period.
BitMaximum Reviewed by BitMaximum on . BitMaximum.io - Coin Mixer of the new generation (BTC,BCH,LTC,ETH) https://bitmaximum.io/img/downloaded/en/en1.png https://bitmaximum.io/img/downloaded/en/en2.png Innovative stealth system of BitMaximum.io - This is a system of protection of personal data in the Bitcoin environment with a built-in mixing mechanism and the ability to exchange directly from miners and exchanges. - This is not another copy of the sunk into oblivion Bitmixer, analogues of which have stopped in the development and daily expose their customers to danger and closer to Rating: 5