Information about possible risks
BTC->exchanger->Monero, ZCash, Dash ...->exchanger->BTC.

When you use the private exchangers and exchanges, you put yourself at risk. Deanonimization is maximum!

1) I Will try to explain in simple language. When you go to the site (exchanger, exchange), you the fingerprint are taken. You are now recorded and located in big brother's database. Even if you change your IP and enter a new account, you will still be identified and associated with your past actions (chains). (And also under certain conditions with your real identity, with your personal pages in soc.networks, other services, accounts that you used on Computer). To change the fingerprints you need to use different antidetect systems that need to be professionally configured.

This is a very deep topic and we can talk about it for hours. There are many services to check for fingerprinting.

If you do not use any anonymization tools on the network, then in a detailed report of such a service, most likely, you will see that you are tracked by type of system fonts, presence or absence of ad blocker and even by type and model of video card...

2) Sites that require enabled JS may collect a lot of information about you.
The operating system, installed fonts, graphics card, version of graphics cards will affect how your fingerprint will look like drivers, the antialiasing settings, type and browser version, as well as the features of the display. Subtle differences abound, but they hard to influence-the perfect combination for tracking. There are more than 30 options that can collect spyware sites!!!

3) Javascript Enabled in the browser — it's not a joke — it's a compromise of the browser, computer and ultimately the user. What to do, it's up to you to decide, but I will not advise the enemy to include Javascript. And also avoid the mixing services that work through JS.

4) Most exchangers are "under the hood". Exchange and work with money and digital assets - their bread. Therefore, most of the exchange services are willing to work for a not to mention the exchanges that value their work.

5) to work with exchanges and exchangers, it is necessary to pass the verification procedure. No anonymity is out of the question!

6) Exchangers and exchanges are always under the gun not only, but also robbers.

7) other "anonymous" cryptocurrencies showed errors in their work during deep analysis. They also had various vulnerabilities (e.g. as it was before in Monero). We are constantly reading and studying our colleagues, Blockchain researchers and leading specialists of various Universities of the world, we are in the "epicenter of the Blockchain", visit Conferences, Valleys, and watch what is safe, and dont safe.

8 ) Monero, dash, ZCash not convenient for everyday use. They are not fully popularized.

In General, there are a lot of facts and it is possible to list the disadvantages of working with exchanges between different crypto-currencies for a long time, independent attempts to "clean" and so on. Be able to delegate. Let the professionals do their job. Use our service. Our system will ensure your anonymity and security as much as possible.