How long does the entire process take?

Although the tumbling process may take a while, BitMaximum will perform this in a jiff. BitMaximum has a coin reserve of its own, so we send you our coins instantly and process yours after. To prevent time-based analysis of your transactions, our service sets random time delays for your forward address to receive bitcoins. New bitcoins are sent to you instantly upon receiving your money unless you’ve set time delay.
BitMaximum Reviewed by BitMaximum on . - Coin Mixer of the new generation (BTC,BCH,LTC,ETH) Innovative stealth system of - This is a system of protection of personal data in the Bitcoin environment with a built-in mixing mechanism and the ability to exchange directly from miners and exchanges. - This is not another copy of the sunk into oblivion Bitmixer, analogues of which have stopped in the development and daily expose their customers to danger and closer to Rating: 5