Forum Posting

There used to be and there still are couple of sites where they offer you a certain rate for amount of posts you make and quality of words and whatnot. Let me straight tell you why it's a waste, you need couple hundreds of posts to make couple of bucks a day.

Guess what, you could actually write articles on Yahoo for even better pay, considering you know how to type and not plagiarize other peoples work. That's time well spent, if you prefer typing go to Yahoo and start writting articles, they can sell up to few hundreds a piece, obviously more words means greater pay.
Kevin Reviewed by Kevin on . Different Methods To Make Money Online Easily Let's start... PTC Sites Do I even have to explain this one? PTC sites are pure scheme and in no way you will ever beat it, and by beat it I mean make profit. Even if you invest 900$ and purchase referrals, at the end of the month you'll "think" you made 100$ while those 100$ will be a loss. I know it sounds crazy but if you never experienced it, dont. Most of the referrals will either be botted or dead, hence they may click for a day/two and eventually they are gone, why? Cause Rating: 5