Exchange Sites

Sites such as the ones where you watch/do things in order to get credits which you can eventually use for greater cause. Waste. Even if you automate the whole process it's still a waste. Dont have much more to say about this since any normal guy with common sense would figure not to waste time nor trust such things. Those iPhone/Android apps comes under this category as well, it may be fun to do but it's a complete waste of your precious time.
Kevin Reviewed by Kevin on . Different Methods To Make Money Online Easily Let's start... PTC Sites Do I even have to explain this one? PTC sites are pure scheme and in no way you will ever beat it, and by beat it I mean make profit. Even if you invest 900$ and purchase referrals, at the end of the month you'll "think" you made 100$ while those 100$ will be a loss. I know it sounds crazy but if you never experienced it, dont. Most of the referrals will either be botted or dead, hence they may click for a day/two and eventually they are gone, why? Cause Rating: 5