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16th Apr 2017, 11:22 AM #1
Banking with Coreg Paths
Due to popular demand this case study is going to cover coreg paths and building your own email submit.
However , it’s not only limited to that. During this case study I have also split tested :
1 – Running an email submit from an aff network vs running your own lander with a coreg path as the backend
2 – SilverPath vs GameTheory as the backend
3 – TrafficVance vs LI for sending traffic
4 – Advertiser’s email submit lander vs lander tuned for optimal conversions.
For this campaign I took the identical landing page of a Walmart $1000 Gift Card email submit and plugged a coreg path in the backend.
The paths I used were from SilverPath and GameTheory.
To keep things simple I bid only on and walmart ( yeah I know , very creative [Wink] ).
Before sending the users through the path , I captured their email ( even though I ended not monetizing the list I built).
I ran this campaign for 2 days and each day I split tested different elements.
Day 1
The first day I wanted to see the difference between sending traffic to the email submit offer and to the exact same lp but with a coreg on the backend.
The flow for my landing page was Walmart Lander (Step 1) -> Data Collecting Page (Step 2) -> Coreg (Step 3)
Here are the pages :
Walmart Lander (Step 1) :
Data Collecting Page (Step 2) – Copied from Email Submit direclty :
Coreg Path (Step 3)
The first day I sent traffic only from LeadImpact and I split 50% to the email submit and 50% to my lp.
Here are the stats :
Walmart Email Submit :
Views : 1850
Leads : 9
Revenue : $13.5
Spent : $37
NET : -$23.5
ROI : -63%
My Coreg Lander :
Views : 1782
Clicks through lp ( = emails captured ) : 70
LP CTR : 3.9%
Revenue : $45
Cost : $35
NET : $10
ROI : 29%
As you can see , two conclusions can be drawn from the data collected the first day :
1 – Emails submits scrub like hell! For the same traffic , my own page captured 70 emails while the network showed only 9 leads.
This means they weren’t counting 88% of my leads!!
2 – Running your own offers on the backend makes it more flexible and you can tweak every little setting to maximize profits ( what I did on day 2)
Day 2
Since from the first day I found that running the path on the backend was more profitable I cut off the email submit and switched all traffic to my LP.
On the second day I also added TrafficVance to the mix and tweaked the lander to try to maximize profits from it.
What I wanted to test here was :
1 – TrafficVance vs LI
2 – SilverPath vs GameTheory
3 – ROI after tweaking the landing page.
On the first step of the lander I added sound ( You are today’s walmart winner blah blah blah) and an alert box. Here’s how it looked like :
Also , thanks to a guy named Lorenzo and his photoshop skillz , I changed the second step of the path.
It looked like the first step and adding the lead collection form on it.
Here’s a screenshot :
After the second day here are the stats :
LeadImpact :
Views : 7129
Clicks : 332
LP CTR : 4.7%
Revenue : $260.32
Cost : $171.1
NET : $89
ROI : 52%
TrafficVance :
Views : 3500
Clicks : 128
LP CTR : 3.6%
Revenue : $117.08
Cost : $87
NET : $30
ROI : 35%
GameTheory’s RPU : $1.02
SilverPath’s RPY : $0.80
So after the second day it was clear that the tweaks we made to the landing page improved the ROI from 29% to 52%. Quite a significant improvement.
LeadImpact performed better than TrafficVance ( keep in mind this is not absolute but varies from niche to niche).
Also , from the split test it came out that GameTheory outperformed Silverpath ( even though I still feel 2 days and about $500 of revenue are not enough to choose the real winner )
Finally it’s worth mentioning that during 2 days I was able to collect 530 email addresses that I could have monetized somehow.
Ah , I nearly forgot , I made an additional 11 leads (= $16.5 ) from another walmart submit that I placed as the exit url of the path.
Running your own email submit with a backend is much more stable and profitable in the long run.
The aim of this case study wasn’t to make it profitable ( even though it profited about $150 in 2 days = about $2k / month ).
Being more creative than promoting a walmart gift card on could make you some big numbers.
The possibilities are endless as you can optimize it much more that I did.
Finally , this is very scalable. You can basically create any offer you want ( email submits , quizzes etc) without getting scrubbed!
That’s it folks. If you have questions feel free to post here and don’t forget the green thanks buttonKevin Reviewed by Kevin on . Banking with Coreg Paths Due to popular demand this case study is going to cover coreg paths and building your own email submit. However , it’s not only limited to that. During this case study I have also split tested : 1 – Running an email submit from an aff network vs running your own lander with a coreg path as the backend 2 – SilverPath vs GameTheory as the backend Rating: 5
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