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16th Apr 2017, 11:35 AM #1
Breaking out of your Zone – My take on the
Breaking out of your Zone – My take on the Hunger Games
My brothers in arms, how the nizzle are we?
Hope all is well and we are all continuing to take a new step forward everyday!
Recently as you know, f5media, the new cook and sling krew in the never ending drug war of the interwebosphere thought it would be a good idea to split the world in 3 and gather some innocent affiliates and throw them into the colosseum for a bloodbath of a 2 week period!
Well, shit went down, and it went down hard, I saw arms and legs in the air, blood spattered faces, heck I even saw mr green eat someones puppy?
I guess you can say, Team ASP earned their teardrop tattoos.
So what exactly went down?
Mastermind of 6 affiliates, 1 leader, plenty of boombacinoes and a load of testing.
Basically, we had an open group chat on Skype, and every 2 days we would have a group call to discuss any information or questions we had with each other, and one of the keys to why we worked so well together was prior to the comp we had a few days to chat amongst ourselves and build trust in one another.
But, Mr Green laid down 1 golden rule, and its the GOLDEN rule to make all masterminds work: If you wanna stay in the team, you HAVE to bring something to the table every time we come together, that means you have to be testing, because there are a lot of people in this forum who are hungry for your position.
So what did this allow us to do? Get testing done very very quickly, as all 6 of us were testing everyday in an effort just to stay in the group. And I think the results of this kind of mastermind speak for itself, but more on that later.
In the first chat, I think most of us were blown away by the mindset Lorenzo has developed over the years he has progressed in aff marketing, and we all see that is the key component in blowing up a huge campaign, and its a common trait held by all the top affiliates.
He will not bother with a campaign that is not scalable, if its not going to have potential xx,xxx a day in revenue, he won’t even want a sniff of it!
Now coming from my background this was very new to me, as I have always managed multiple campaigns, that added up, but he said maynzie my man, I think its time you jumped out of your comfort zone and really test yaself.
So you know what, I did. and I can not thank him enough for the push off the edge!
All of us in the group were introduced to a source most of us had not yet tried, being mobile. So holding each others hand, Lorenzo dropped ideas on us, the sort of offers he had previously had success with, where he thought the future lays and a couple of landing page designs he had success with.
So armed with this information me, and my other half Jaxxiboy got to work. Jumped right in, with no fear of losing money, and you know what? The first day we were hell out of pocket, thought we were superheroes but I guess not, but we came to the table with the information we gathered, spread it out, soaked in the others thoughts and boom went back to the drawing board. Couple more days of loss and shit started to turn around, now its the biggest campaign I personally have ever ran, and its got a lot more room to grow.
So what are the key components to why Team ASP won?
1. Our mastermind was Honest, everything we learned individually was spread out on the table for all to see. We had 110% faith in each one of us.
2. We had pressure behind us, if you wanted to stay in the group, you had to be bringing cards to the table.
3. We soaked up Lorenzo’s no fucks given attitude, you lose money so be it, move on don’t dwell.
4. We started to look at campaigns with a broad appeal, but breaking it down into specific angles (mr green just posted on this) This meant we could run 1 offer in many ways, which means volume, and with volume comes a power over the advertiser in terms of pay bumps and landers made for you.
5. We talked shit (yes talking shit made the whole experience better, we became friends on a very personal level rather then just business)
6. We were on all similar timezones ~give or take 4 hours difference, so we were always working at the same hours of the day
7. We shared skills, some had lander skills, other had tracking skills, and others had creativity. Its the old 2+2=5 synergy rule, combine skills, come out on top.
9. Mr G’s trash talk was contagious.
10. We stocked up on a whole months worth of methlab manufactured stardust, so our creativity was through the roof and we didn’t have to sleep for the whole 2 weeks [Wink] unfair advantage I know.
So how can you create your own hunger games?
Build a mastermind yourselves, this can be done by ANYONE. Lorenzo told me that he hit success fast because of masterminds structured similar to ours, bring everything to the table, and you will be kicked if you bring nothing.
Keep your team small, 4-6 I believe is the best.
Don’t fear breaking out of your comfort zone, to those of you who have been milking one source for a long time now, and shits almost on autopilot I dare you to try another source, you may be surprised at what you find, my heads still getting around the numbers we seeing everyday now.
Hope this helps, if anyone has got any questions or wants to know more info about what went down post below, I’ll answer all that I can!
We love our bread, we love our butter,
But most all of all we love each other [Big Grin] !Kevin Reviewed by Kevin on . Breaking out of your Zone – My take on the Breaking out of your Zone – My take on the Hunger Games My brothers in arms, how the nizzle are we? Hope all is well and we are all continuing to take a new step forward everyday! Recently as you know, f5media, the new cook and sling krew in the never ending drug war of the interwebosphere thought it would be a good idea to split the world in 3 and gather some innocent affiliates and throw them into the colosseum for a bloodbath of a 2 week period! Well, shit went down, and it went Rating: 5
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