This campaign generated: $1,000,687.20 in revenue and $664,398.80 in profit.

Traffic source:
Traffic Junky (70%)
The original concept:
@dult traffic looked exciting, there was a tonne of it for cheap. The 300 workout/get ripped angle worked for a while but got saturated fast. The next wave was male enhancement flogs from a male perspective, once again the affiliate herd got a sniff of it, and plucked it clean.
At this time there were heaps of great male muscle and male enhancements around. The male enhancement flogs at the time were using the angle "I heard this conversation between these two p0rnstars, and found out a secret that I could get a big schlong like a boss".
Come on….sheriously?
The reason guys buy this stuff is not so they can be big like a p0rnstar, it is because they are insecure with themselves and are worried about what the chickies think of them.
BOOM thats where the idea came to life.
A flog with a female perspective.

Easiest way to deflate a macho mans ego is to complain about size…an extremely powerful emotional trigger. Back that up with some surveys and polls filled out by women in s*x forums and some scientific proof and you got some super khronic content.
The Landing Page:
Here is the layout that was used (this has been ripped many times, plus probably a few of you have come across it naturally haha):

The landing page split test results:
– Using a FB badge increase CR by around 20%.
– Long copy destroyed short copy. (make sure that if someone was to only skim the sub titles that it would make sense as a whole).
– Scientific images owned, p0rn images.
– Adding image captions owned.
– The amateur looking layouts owned the professional looking layouts.
– Images in the comments = win.
– An image collage background owned any plain color background.
– One column owned layout with two columns.
– Adding a heart favicon improved conversions a little.
There are so many resources for information on natural enhancement that helped show that it is possible, which is one of the first questions on everyones mind.
Fiverr is a great place for getting amateur images made. One lady was asked to take a picture of herself holding a written note of the URL (a PG photo).
There was also a custom video testimonial made by a female p0rnstar…this actually hurt conversions. The two reasons it most likely failed were; firstly she was a terrible actor, secondly she was way too selly.
Ethnicities of images were tested thoroughly. Believe it or not, Asian males are the number one consumers.
The Creatives:
100s and 100s of creatives were made. The majority bombed big time. Here are a couple of examples from the hall of shame:

Something left field…cartoon lady showing her excitement.

Facebook conversation between two female friends.


The girl next door.
Creatives that worked were those that looked like the site it was hosted on, and imagery focused on schlongs (as opposed to a female, or a female interacting with a schlong).
An example of a p0rnhub winning creative:

The Next Stage
This formula worked for a while. However surprisingly some people tried to rip it, and starting competing on the same traffic sources with the exact lander. Exclusivity of the angle wanted at the traffic source but not given.
Day parting was a big factor in this campaign. The campaign was paused for around 6 hours each day. In those hours it was either break even or unprofitable. Bids were ramped up in the morning, then lowered in the afternoon as other advertisers budgets would be depleted.
Chin up keep trucking…
Traffic Junky announced that they had mobile placements opening up. SURELY that wouldn’t work right?
A long copy flog littered with images and two steps worth of CPS offers. It breaks all the rules we have been taught about mobile marketing. SURELY even if the flog managed to load on mobiles people wouldn’t get out their credit cards and buy both products.
Meh, lets run a test and see what happens…nek minnit
400% ROI. Assumption’s ass got kicked royally.
Since people were ripping the campaign left right center flat rate buys were negotiated.
Copy cat smelt bad.
Things were going well accept that every move that was made, it would be duplicated within 24 hours. No matter what country, no matter what placement.
Research was done…there were suspicions that the traffic source were having some internal fun.
It was confirmed by two independent advertisers. The traffic source was confronted and denied everything.
That just ain’t kosher.
It got to a point that it was getting ridiculous. No more effort was put into this campaign. Once it started breaking even, the plug was pulled.
If you spend a bit of time understand the reason people buy, you have a big advantage of the majority of people.
Have fun with your campaigns have a "stupid" brainstorm session. Where you only think of things that are far fetched e.g "video from a p0rnstar". It keeps you interested as well as separates you from the majority train of thought.
Creativity was the number 1 reason this campaign was a success. The bullet points I mentioned above of landing page tests made this campaign turned this campaign from red to green.
@dult media buying is ruthless. A spot on Youp0rn started at 40-60k a month, no out clause.
Assumptions = shit.
Assumptions = devil
Assumptions = stfu gtfo
Rebills work on mobile traffic.
Flogs work on mobile traffic.
The campaign was built around the fact that the traffic source was hugely scalable. Why would you build a campaign around a very limited niche?
This campaign was stopped in its tracks because it did not own any properties. Competition were allowed to come in and rip it. Once they were sent a DMCA letter, they would tweak the text a little and just replace images.
TJ = rip campaigns.
Guys click on ads of schlongs, more than ads of chicks.

Disclaimer: I was sent all campaign details via snail mail from Mr XXX. It was designed like a treasure map, with burnt edges and tea stains all over it. It self destructed within 5 seconds of reading it. Weird as…luckily I have a good memory.

……..Any questions?

Kevin Reviewed by Kevin on . Campaign Guide $1,000,687.20 Male Enhancement Campaign (NSFW) This campaign generated: $1,000,687.20 in revenue and $664,398.80 in profit. Traffic source: Traffic Junky (70%) The original concept: @dult traffic looked exciting, there was a tonne of it for cheap. The 300 workout/get ripped angle worked for a while but got saturated fast. The next wave was male enhancement flogs from a male perspective, once again the affiliate herd got a sniff of it, and plucked it clean. At this time there were heaps of great male muscle and male Rating: 5