1. Put Your HopLink Contextually

When you put your affiliate link contextually, it will increase the chance for people to click on your link. For instance, instead of putting your link like this: “Click here to visit the affiliate website”, you better put your link within your content, such as this: “John Smith, the author of How To Become A Master Copywriter, suggest one simple method to write a powerful headline that will increase your response rate significantly.” When you put your link contextually, people will be more inclined to follow your link.

2. Mask Your HopLink With Your Website URL

First of all, ClickBank HopLink looks like a spammy link. I think many people will agree. But, even though you mask this link with regular URL shortening service, it will still look suspicious. The best way to mask your HopLink is to use your website URL. Isn’t it better for you to use this link: www.yourwebsite.com/recommend/mastercopywriter instead of *******/asdfh1? The former is looking way more professional than the latter.

3. Recommend Your Link In a Friendly Way

When you recommend your affiliate link to your readers, do it in a friendly way so that people will be persuaded to follow the link. Do not force them to click or make it look like a blatant advertisement for your audience. When you recommend it in a friendly way, you will appeal to your audience’s emotion and they will tend to respond more quickly. After all, it is nicer to get a product recommendation from a friend rather than from a sales person.

4. Don’t Just Put It And Never Mention About It

Many affiliates have lousy method in promoting their affiliate link. They typically promote their link by placing banner to their website and expect people to click that banner by themselves. Here’s the news for you: people don’t care about your banner, unless you direct them to click it. So, don’t just put your link in your website and expect people to click it. Instead, promote your link as often as possible so that people are aware of it.

5. Make Your Product As Relevant As Possible With Your Content

No matter how good you promote your HopLink to your readers, they won’t click on it if it is completely irrelevant with your content. For instance, you’ve been talking for long about how to lose weight by applying special raw food diet, but if you promote a fitness equipment in the end, then it will be irrelevant for your readers. This irrelevancy will make your readers scream “What the heck?”.

6. Write Review About Your Affiliate Product

People who read review about a product have a desire to buy this product later. And the most likely case where people will click on your HopLink is after they read your review. So, here’s the best way to promote your ClickBank affiliate link to your readers: write a review about the product.

7. Use Email Marketing

Another very effective way to make people click on your affiliate link is to use email marketing to promote your affiliate product. Of course, you need to use this method properly and avoid spamming your audience with your affiliate promotion. Balance content with promotion. This is the way you can increase your click through rate.
Those are 7 tips to drive quality traffic to your ClickBank HopLink. Most poor sales experienced by many ClickBank affiliates are caused by lack of traffic that comes to their HopLink. Those tips will help you to fix this problem and boost your ClickBank sales in the process.
EasyMoney Reviewed by EasyMoney on . Drive Quality Traffic to Your ClickBank HopLink https://i.imgur.com/Vunnvny.jpg 1. Put Your HopLink Contextually When you put your affiliate link contextually, it will increase the chance for people to click on your link. For instance, instead of putting your link like this: “Click here to visit the affiliate website”, you better put your link within your content, such as this: “John Smith, the author of How To Become A Master Copywriter, suggest one simple method to write a powerful headline that will increase your response rate Rating: 5