Q: How do you determine if you've been hit by Penguin or Panda?

Now with the Panda and Penguin signals being in the Core Algorithm, it’s very difficult to spot the exact issue that caused the rankings drop.
For detecting a Penguin penalty, you can run a Link Detox report for the specific page or subfolder that dropped. If the DTOXRISK is high, then you need to disavow the bad links and use Link Detox Boost to make Google re-crawl everything faster.

Q: Do you have any interesting examples of drops or recoveries like in the previous updates?

Right now you can’t give examples because there are not such definite winners or losers like in the last updates. That’s exactly what Google wanted to achieve: That the changes happen as softly as possible.

Q: When will the recoveries start?
This update is not an update as it was in the past where from one day to another thousands of rankings changed. Penguin is now part of Google’s Core algorithm. That means that Google now processes links and redirects and Rel-Canonicals and content differently than they did before the official rollout.
We can already see recoveries, but also drops. Every day and every hour you can see tweets or feedback from users and experts, confirming that rankings are changing.

Q: Is there a feedback from the SEO market already? A poll?
According to a poll from Search Engine Roundtable, only 12% said they saw ranking improvements after Google Penguin 4.0 and 15% saw a reduced ranking. 73% did not witness any changes.

Q: Can you talk about the Google local shakeup that was in the beginning of September?
We did not look into that too much because it was all related to the existing changes in the rollout of Google Penguin. The local shakeup was probably the beginning of Penguin.

Q: I recently saw someone complaining about negative SEO against his website. After disavowing and six months later, the website went up with the exact anchor texts that were targeted by the negative SEO attack. What’s your thought about that?
The more aggressive negative SEO would target the keywords you actually want to rank for and make it look like you wanted to (over)push rankings yourself and then make you drop for it.
The fact that you went up after disavowing the spammy links is because you probably had some other links and the page was targeting those keywords.

Q: I have a client who got a huge algorithmic Penguin penalty last week. I've done quite a heavy Disavow yesterday, and he is complaining that there is no recovery today. What should I tell him?
The new Penguin 4.0 Update is now Real-Time. This means that changes in your rankings will start as soon as your backlinks are re-crawled by Google. If you have a lot of low-quality links in some old forums, it will take a lot of time for Google to re-crawl those links. Also, it takes Google about 48 hours to send your Disavow File to all of their crawlers. This is why we recommend using the Link Detox Boost 48 hours after uploading your Disavow File.
EasyMoney Reviewed by EasyMoney on . Penguin 4.0 Questions & Answers What we found out about the Penguin 4.0 https://i.imgur.com/6lAgXsU.png Times just got really exciting with the Penguin 4.0 update, as it is now integrated into Google's Core Algorithm. This is not going to be a Penguin update like the previous ones, where Google will announce a specific number of affected queries after a complete roll out. This update is ongoing and it will affect rankings in real time. Therefore, there will not be a complete roll out like before. Also, this is the Rating: 5