In forex trading, four major currency pairs are the most popular:

  • EUR/USD: The euro and the U.S. dollar
  • USD/JPY: The U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen
  • GBP/USD: The British pound sterling and the U.S. dollar
  • USD/CHF: The U.S. dollar and the Swiss franc

These pairs are discussed in the subsequent chapters of this tutorial, along with the role of each currency in the economy of its country (and the world) and the factors affecting the currency's movement. (Learn more about how pairs are traded in Finding Profit In Pairs.) In brief:

With all other things being equal, a faster-growing U.S. economy strengthens the dollar against the euro, and a faster-growing European Union economy strengthens the euro against the dollar.

The USD/JPY features low bid-ask spreads and excellent liquidity. As such, it is an excellent starting place for newcomers to the currency market as well as a popular pair for more experienced traders.

The GBP/USD is one of the most liquid in the currency market. Bid-ask spreads are tight, and arbitrage opportunities are unlikely to exist. However, the liquidity of the pair combined with the availability of trading instruments makes the GBP/USD an excellent choice for all types of currency traders.


Although it is somewhat less liquid than the euro and the pound, the Swiss franc is still an easy currency to trade.
EasyMoney Reviewed by EasyMoney on . Popular Forex Currencies The currency markets are the largest and most actively traded financial markets in the world with a daily trading volume of more than $5.1 trillion (Triennial Central Bank Survey 2016). The majority of this trading is concentrated in the world's major financial centers such as London, New York and Tokyo. Large institutional investors such as banks, multinational corporations, hedge funds and central banks constitute Rating: 5