Dedicated servers King Servers: alternative hosting in cases where you do not have enough reserves of virtual resources or VDS / VPS systems. After all, modern business increasingly requires a large number of servers for its work, so we offer you a server rental.

King Servers – is:

  • Experienced supporting personnel;
  • 24x7x365 access to tier 3;
  • 100% controlled decisions for SuperMicro servers;
  • Monitoring of all servers 24/7;
  • Several basic providers;
  • 99.9% uptime;


  • We provide all conditions for the developers - our servers correspond to the claimed ones, at any time you can perform vertical scaling of the VPS to a physical server or several servers.
  • 24/7 tech support. Anyway. For your comfort.
  • The optimal combination of price / quality.

More about VPS/VDS hosting - here

More about storage servers - here.